Cinnamon 'n' Spice Ornaments Herb Style

Cinnamon 'n' Spice Ornaments Herb Style

Here is our second round of cinnamon 'n' spice ornaments!  We had so much fun coming up with ways to decorate using botanicals.  Check out my other post Cinnamon 'n' Spice Ornaments Craft Stylefor full instruction on how to make this aromatically stimulating craft.  Trust me these are easy, stimulate a lot of imagination in kids and smell amazing!  You won't be disappointed.

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Cinnamon 'n' Spice Ornaments Craft Style

Cinnamon 'n' Spice Ornaments Craft Style

 Combine a lot of cinnamon with some applesauce and what do you get?  A delicious smelling dough for crafting!  Add some ginger, cloves and orange essential oil and the dough becomes incredibly fragrant, almost enchanting in its olfactory expression.  Oh my...

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