Grapevine Magic

During high school I had a brief but very enjoyable sojourn into wreath making.  I was inspired to make wreaths after seeing them at our local craft fair, Molly McGee's, which my mom and I frequented together each Holiday season. This was a passion for me and I reveled in placing delicate dried flowers, eucalyptus and ribbons around gracefully woven together grapevine finding the perfect position for each item.  As I journeyed around the wreath, placing and gluing each botanical the wreath would magically transform and surprise me with its result.

 So I was really excited to find mini grapevine wreaths at a local kid's sale this fall because these wreaths were the perfect size to make into something magical with the kids at school.  This is a great project for all ages.  My girls and I also did this together at home and we had a great time together.

I always do my best to engage the kids as much as possible with the projects we do.  So I started them off with something they always love, glue.  Each child received a wreath, a Q-tip or paint brush and some Elmer's glue.

I had them "paint" the glue all over the wreath and then we sprinkled glitter, ground cinnamon, and lavender blossoms all over the wreath.  My hope was to make the wreath smell good and sparkle.


After the wreaths dried it was time for the hot glue gun.  For decorating their wreaths the kids chose from some of the most lovely and fragrant dried botanicals: cinnamon sticks, star anise and tiny pink rose buds.  Working with each child I had them show me where they wanted to put things and then I glued them on with the hot glue gun.


As magical as they are, hot glue guns can burn, so an adult should be in charge of using them.   At home, I did let my 6-year-old use the hot glue gun on her own  for the first time for this project.  After we talked about how to use the glue gun safely and with me watching closely, she did just fine.

I was surprised at how excited the kids were about this project.  As I started working with the first child a crowd gathered around the table where we were working.

Onlookers exclaiming, "Ms. Angela, what is that?"

"When will it be my turn?"

"Can I watch?"

I love it when they get excited!

As we worked together, the wreaths began to take shape under the guidance of each child.  And just like when I made my own wreaths long ago the results were a delightful surprise. Each one came out differently, unique like their little creators.  I think the wreaths are great and the kids were so proud!  We topped them off with a little ribbon for hanging and viola!

We used these in our Holiday gift bags but this would make a great craft anytime of year.

What you need for this project

  • grapevine wreath
  • star anise
  • cinnamon sticks
  • dried rose buds
  • ground cinnamon and/or other sweet ground spices
  • lavender blossoms
  • glitter
  • glue
  • hot glue gun

Other ideas for adding to a wreath

  • dried orange
  • dried apple slices
  • cloves
  • dried cranberries
  • Any other dried pretty or cool looking botanical

Have fun and happy crafting!